2011年5月23日 星期一

Used Equipment and Tower Crane - 2007 LINK-BELT HTC-8690 - Empire Crane Company

140 ft. of Telescopic Boom,jib configurations of 35 ft, 58 ft, 74 ft, and 90 ft.offsettable to 2, 15 30 and 45 degrees, counterweight of 39500 lbs., 90 ton 6 sheave hook block and 60 ton 4 sheave hook block and 8-10 ton hook ball,two winches, Caterpillar Engine C13, 5888kmKEY FACTSProduct name:2007 LINK-BELT HTC-8690Manufacturer:Empire Crane Company Brand name:Designer:Product Range:Color:Material:Style:Height:Length:Width:Weight:Country of Manufacture:United States of AmericaProduct QA:WebLink:Click hereCrane Manufacturer:Link-BeltPrice:$ £615,000.00Capacity:90US tonnesModel:HTC-8690Year:Location:FloridaComplaint:Condition:Used

